Technically speaking we woke up in Page, Az. and not Lake Powell. If you read the last post, we arrived at the RV park after dark and decided to scurry out of there before sun up. This was yet another driving day with our destination being Alabama Hills.

Tomm wanted to make a stop in Vegas at a shooting range and hey that was right on the way. Doing so meant that we also skipped the downtown Vegas traffic, so that was good.

If you zoomed into the map just at that dip right above Vegas, you would see the Shooting Range. It’s run by the county, open only a few days a week and was pretty neat and orderly compared to other ranges I’ve seen.

I guess this is a premier place to shoot skeet and there’s national tournaments held here. It’s also close to Area 51 and someone at the county has a sense of humor. Yes that’s a giant Skeet / Alien Ship right at the entry.
As we headed up Hwy 95 there’s a military base to the east and it seems that we always see a drone taking off or landing. In the past we saw Predator sized but this time it was a small itsely bitsey sized drone with a long tail.

We continued up Hwy 95 to 374 to Death Valley (Hwy 190). It was warm but certainly not Death Valley hot. We stopped for a bit at the top of Towne Pass and I took some pics.
We rolled into Lone Pine and headed up towards Alabama Hills. Tomm suggested we also look at a campsite that was right next to Alabama Hills but had toilets and running water. It’s called Turtle Creek Campground, self registration was something like $7 a night and we found a nice level spot.

We setup for the night and popped down into town for a bite to eat. We picked a pizza place in town that was ok, had cold beer, but was really just ok. The sunset though was fabulous!

- LAB2V 2024 - December 2, 2024
- PRE LAB2V Prep - November 11, 2024
- The NORCAL BDR (part 3) - October 29, 2024