If you remember, I had a “little incident” on LAB2V. I had my Mosko Moto Reckless 80’s mounted on the bike but during LAB2V I didn’t need to actually have the weight and the baggage so I was running the LAB2V course with the carcass and using only the 22 Liter Stinger on top. When you do that you can take the two straps that usually hold the inner bags down, and buckle them together (to each other) so there’s no dangly bits.
That worked great until I ran out of talent and sideswiped a barbed wire fence.

That tore off the strap, at the seams. Obviously, it was all my fault, but I reached out to Mosko Moto to see what I could do about it.
As I mentioned, they asked for a few pics, looked at them and then offered to fix it, if I just shipped it to them. That was December 8th.
Unfortunately, today, January 16th, they sent me a message that well…

I’m pretty sure with the holidays and then the Mosko trip down to Ecuador played a big part in that delay and I’m ok with that. I’m not exactly sure what PE board is but it’s probably the polyethylene. I’ve sewn enough to know that it takes a different machine to get through thicker stuff. I’m just a little baffled as to why I tore it down and shipped it and a month later I’m back at square one.
I mean, in the pictures I sent, you can clearly see it was torn at the seam and if you are Mosko Moto you would know there’s PE Board behind that and you would also know that your machine that you use can’t get through it – right?

I’m clearly disappointed. It’s not that they can’t fix it. It’s not that they won’t fix it. I’m just baffled that they had me go through all the trouble to take it apart and ship it only to find out they can’t.
I mean I like Mosko Moto. From all the bags for my 950, to my electric jacket, to the little Molle bags and clips, I have quite a large collection going. Hell, when Mike T thrashed his bags a couple of weeks before my trip I convinced him to get the Reckless 80s for his KTM 890R. Together we looked like a rolling Mosko Moto advertisement along the CA BDR. I even applied for a job opening they had once.

Maybe I was just a little premature when I said…

I’ve asked for the bags back and I’ll document my fixing them myself. If I somehow can’t come up with a viable solution – what new bags should I get? While I wasn’t open to options before, maybe I am today.
- LAB2V 2024 - December 2, 2024
- PRE LAB2V Prep - November 11, 2024
- The NORCAL BDR (part 3) - October 29, 2024