I remember back in the old days when we used to do the Barstow to Vegas Race. The day after was always a very very long drive back home. I always thought that it was weird that all these people on the road with us were driving back from Vegas for Thanksgiving. When I think Turkey Day, I know the first thing that pops into my head is Vegas Baby! #not
Sunday, November 27th
It was going to be no different this year. Well, no different for them. I, on the other hand wasn’t going home. I was going to slab it down to Yuma, AZ where I was going to meet my friend Mike and do the CABDR.
Before leaving, someone wanted to check off a few Vegas traditions. First up was the Breakfast Buffet. I can’t remember which hotel it was in. I do remember it wasn’t cheap – something like $30 or 40 each! Oh well. They had some of everything, but most all of it was meh. And yes we tried everything!

Quantity over Quality. Speaking of that, next up was the infamous frozen cocktails. We bought three for six of us. Slushies for Lushies. Yeah it’s mostly ice but it’s 4 cups of alcoholic slurpee.

Back at the hotel is was time for them to get on the freeway. We did our hugs and good byes and I went back to the room to pack up my stuff. I was packed and ready to hit the road at 1:40 in the afternoon!
Oh and how was the freeway looking for them? Just as I predicted…

Sorry guys!
Las Vegas, Nevada to Yuma, Arizona

Running as late as I was, Google suggested a fastest route and I took it! With my late start it was going to be dark before I got to Yuma.

I headed out of town exactly at 1:40 PM. I was doing ok, making good time but I had one small hiccup. Navigation sent me down the wrong way in Parker. I went a few miles before I figured it out. It was already getting dark (5PM) and for some weird reason it was trying to send me through a mobile home park. I’m like really? Not today Google.

I came into Yuma from the east. It was dark, I was cold and buzzy. As I was just getting into town I saw a familiar place and stopped for a bite to eat. I sat inside and gazed at my bike through the window.

After dinner it was just a few blocks to the Motel. I checked in, parked the bike, showered and then tried to sleep. I kept checking on the Family as they were making their way back. It wasn’t until 12:30 AM that they got home! That’s about when I got to sleep.

SCORECARD: I left Vegas at 1:40 PM, Checked into the Motel at 8:30PM (but Yuma is in a different time zone so it was only 6 hours of travel).
Monday, November 28th
First step, coffee.
No ‘continental breakfast’ here. Luckily from the parking lot I could see a piece of an IHOP sign just a few blocks away. I’m going to rate this breakfast WAAAAAY better than the one in Vegas.

Meanwhile Mike was breaking camp and getting ready to head towards me.

He had a few hours so I took the time to wash just about everything I had. I think I tried to pack three of everything – socks, underwear, t shirts and so on. All of it had been properly used. There was a washer dryer in the motel. $2 for a wash, $2 for soap, and $2 for a dry. Worth it! Once again, a bad selfie.

I also took the time to go over the bike and found out I had lost a bolt for the rear rack. I figured I could find one at any hardware store.

Mike was about 30 minutes out so I decided to wait for him. He arrived unpacked and off to the bolt store we went. As we’re in the parking lot of the store we had some military fighter jets taking off and landing. I tried to get a picture as best I could with my phone. Jets were cool. My phone sucks!

I fixed the bolt, we went to dinner and made plans to start the CABDR in the morning.

- LAB2V 2024 - December 2, 2024
- PRE LAB2V Prep - November 11, 2024
- The NORCAL BDR (part 3) - October 29, 2024