Let me start with thanking the people that made this all possible. Let’s do this in order of appearance.
First of all, thank you to my Wife.
She knew I would like to go, she knew I didn’t have a bike for it, and she was the one who suggested to Tomm that he find a bike for me to borrow and go. Knowing full well she was going to miss me terribly, she put the wheels in motion. Thank you MoonUnit!
Next up would be Tomm. He’s a human motorcycle resource and all around good guy. Upon getting the message from my wife he found a guy who had a 2014 KLR I could borrow, called me, put the pressure on me to make the decision and just about forced me to go. It was the best twisted arm I think I’ve ever had.
As the time got closer, the borrowed 2014 looked like it wouldn’t work out after all, but he had a Plan B in place. The “B” stood for Beisheim and Tom Beisheim’s 2006 KLR. We met over to Tom’s (note the single ‘m’) and got the 2006 unit ready to ride. Thank you Tomm!
Next, would Tom Beisheim. Tom can’t ride (yet). Last year at this time he was riding his Ducati and had a little boo boo.
His KLR was ready to ride at that time, and obviously he hasn’t been able to ride it. Without a second thought Tom offered up his KLR for me to ride. Not just a KLR but a highly modified KLR! Tom had upgraded the front disc (much larger), progressive springs, a progressive shock and many many more items. Thank you Tom!
Finally, Ernie and his wife, Michele (and their two girls too!). Ernie helped in the prompting me to go more than you know. His once a week calls, “Did you sell the ‘Busa’ yet?” kept the idea top of mind. As for the traveling part – We’ve always traveled well together. For the first thee days, adding in the rest of his family worked seamlessly too. They were our guides and companions for the first three days in Zion. It was a pleasure traveling with the W family. No fights, no squabbles, nothing but fun! Thank you Wasserslebens!
Thanks to you all for making this happen! I can’t wait for the next one. – Mike
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